(803) 364-3797
Yarn Ministry
We crochet/knit hats, scarves, ponchos, etc., which are then given to the schools for distribution to kids who do not have warm clothing.
We start each meeting with a devotional and then crochet/knit items for the schools.
Anyone of any age is welcome to join our group. If you cannot crochet, you will be taught.
We meet every Tuesday night from 6:00 to 8:00 upstairs in Choir Room.
This is an ongoing mission. During the warmer months, we will continue to crochet or knit these items for the next year.
Missions we are currently working on are scarves and hats for Little Mountain Elementary School, Gallman Elementary School, and Prosperity-Rikard Elementary School. Crocheted items are donated to the December Food Pantry for the Gift Room. The Yarn Ministry presents a crocheted blanket to all babies at Christening. We also donate crocheted items to other groups in need of them.
Susan Fellers: (803)622-8496 or susanf913@yahoo.com